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Poh Liang Seng

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

As humans, the pursuit of change and progress is something that is innate to every one of us. Like it or not, there will always be things in life that we hope could be a little different, a little better in the way that daily situations & events turn out. It could be in the way we think, speak, or the way we handle everything from our finances to our relationships with others. We seek to become better -- and we should. As we strive to continuously exceed our potential, we rise above all previous versions of ourselves and grow stronger. In this issue, we look at some ways in which we can embrace a better self and an even better future.

The Relentless Pursuit of Improvement

It is no secret that I believe growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better. It is no mystery that I think personal growth is the steppingstone to success for any leader. If you or I want to stay in front of the curve and lead others, then we must do the work that keeps us out front. We must continually improve. But as I seek to improve, there is one thing I know not to chase, and that is perfection. Perfection is a trap. Do not chase perfection as a leader - chase improvement. Make today better than yesterday so tomorrow can be better than today. The relentless pursuit of improvement will take any leader far.

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I used to be jealous of other people's wealth and success - here is how I finally got over it

Envy. It is an emotion that we all feel at some point. It is also a really dangerous emotion when we are trying to build a strong financial life. Envy is pure poison to a healthy financial life. After all, envy encourages us to make some pretty poor decisions. Like every other character flaw, however, envy can be overcome. You can directly reduce the envy itself, or you can at least reduce the bad choices you make as a result of envy. Here are seven strategies I use to cut envy out of my own life.

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To reach beyond your limits by training your mind | Marisa Peer | TEDxKCS

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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Jean Heng, Supply Development Manager

Liang Seng is a diligent and reliable financial planner who is knowledgeable of the financial products he is offering. He helped me with optimising my portfolio last year by stretching my dollar to achieve the right insurance coverage. I can now sleep better at night knowing that all my insurance needs have been covered.

E Shely, Senior IT Consultant

Finally I found an insurance agent who is knowledgeable, prompt & efficient. He is extremely patient & informative, He always find the best coverage for me and provides great advice. He is always there for you when you need help. He is the best insurance agent I ever met. Highly recommend Liang Seng to all my friends should you have any insurance or investment needs.

Darren Tan, Lawyer / Director

I have known Liang Seng for the past few years, first as my financial planner, and later on a friend. He's been a great help and resource to my family's financial planning, in particular his use of software tools to generate scenarios modeling to give me a better picture of my future financial commitments and needs. Having a resourceful and knowledgeable friend whom I can readily call on is a huge plus, especially given my hectic schedule. I highly recommend Liang Seng to any one who requires financial planning.

Sharon, HR Practitioner

Liang Seng is passionate about assisting his clients with making the right financial decisions in securing their future. He has been extremely helpful to my family in our times of need pertaining to medical concerns, financial queries and financial planning. What makes him standout is his earnestness in meeting the needs and forecasting the wants of his clients. Am very happy to have him taking care of my family and I.

Anna, Marketing Manager

Liang Seng had been my financial advisor for almost 10 years. He gives great service and I trust him deeply. I've also seen how he has improved his financial knowledge and skills over the years to provide better service. I highly recommend Liang Seng to anyone looking for a financial advisor, even if just a chat.

Ji Peng, Finance Associate

Liang Seng will help to asses my current cashflow circumstances and recommend products based on his knowledge and my needs. He is also pro-active in setting up reviews and so that he is kept updated of my financial status from time to time.